


Using the Template

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For assistance using the Project Costing Template, please contact:

The Project Costing Template can be used to calculate all project costs, including both direct costs such as salaries and consumables, and indirect costs.

The Template will also determine the University in-kind contribution to the project, by applying a multiplier to the academic salary costs.

For ARC applications, the Template will also calculate the University contribution to ARC fellowships.

There are five main steps to completing a budget using the Template:

  1. Determine if an ARC or non-ARC application.
  2. Enter all project personnel: chief investigators, including those not funded from the grant
    (required for determining the UWA in-kind contribution),and all other personnel funded from the grant.
  3. Enter all other budget items, including student stipends, equipment and maintenance.
  4. Choose the infrastructure rate.
  5. Preview the final budget.